Earlier this month after a very long wait, i finally got in the mail my
Influenster Holiday Voxbox 2012, and one of the goodies i found inside was an
EBOOST sample .
I was inmediadtly excited since i am very into all this type of water enhancer powders.
I am also very curious/cautious about the stuff that i drink/eat/wear. so i went a head a did my own research to see exactly what i was getting myself into before i even tried it...
Well i found out that not just is an all natural product but that it also offers a bit more than any other product of this kind in the market at the moment! They claim to have goodies as: Vitamin B-12, Vitamin c, Vitamin D, Green tea, Acid Folic (that has so many benefits), Quercetin, 5-HTP, Resveratrol, huperzine-A, among other things all compacted into one little envelope! I also found that the
EBOOST is sweeten with
Stevia which is a plant not a chemical! and that its Gluten and Soy Free!
Anyway... it comes in two presentations: As an easy to mix powder and as a shot. And in four different flavors: Orange, Pink Lemonade, Acai Pomegranate and Super Berry.
Ok, now... lets go on to my personal experience:
I purred my Pink Lemonade mix into a 12Oz. glass and let it sit for a few seconds to allow it to effervesce,
and then i also added a couple of ice cubes, just so it was chilled, because i am not a big fan of room temperature drinks. ( but i guess that its really up to your personal choice).
Make sure you also stir it up, to make sure the powder is completely dissolved into the water, before you start drinking it.
The first thing in my mind as i took the first sip was: " Wow!! this thing tastes great!!". It was seriously just like having a real lemonade, way better tasting that those fake ones you get at restaurants and off course way better for you!. This doesn't happen very often where as the stuff that's good for you tastes better than the junk! and it totally comes from
EBOOST not having any artificial flavors added!
Sugar wise, in my opinion it was sweeten perfectly , it was a happy medium, not too much to be overwhelming or too little to be too tangy or bitter.
Excuse my washed out face. (No makeup for this girl this morning! :) |
It took about 15 minutes for me to start feeling more energized! I can totally see how this would help you not just in your regular life to keep up with the busy days but as a way to keep your workout on point and just make it easier and more enjoyable for yourself. I was literally bouncing off the walls with my little one, we danced and chased each other all over the house! hahahha
But anyway before i get off topic, i'd like to say that this "boost" Lasted for about four hours, and then i started to slow down, did not get sleepy, just simply started to be my old self, lol.
I think this would definitely be worth the investment, and when i say investment .. i mean it, since it can get a bit pricey if you plan in consume it on a daily basis. As it goes for $28 for a box of 20 ct. and $39 for a box of 30 ct. of the effervescent powders. Or $39 for a box of 12ct. shots!
The only thing i am not too crazy about is that it does contains Caffeine (which is what keeps you awake!)
But at the same time i think all the Minerals, Vitamins and super-Nutrients balanced out everything.
I can also see it being a huge help to reach my Workout goals, keeping my momentum everyday, in other words, giving me the energy to actually want to do it!
Overall, i think i would definitely purchase this in the future and not just that, but i would also recommend it to friends.
This puppy gets a 9 out of 10 Score, from me!
Once again, thank you so much for visiting my blog! dont forget to Subscribe up there, so you dont miss any of my updates!
Hope you enjoy the reading.
Big Kisses.
I got this product for free via
and i vowed to give my 100% honest opinion.